Content Creation 101 for Personal Brands

Content Creation 101

Now, before we get started...just know that this guide is EXTENSIVE. 

It covers all of the basics and will walk you through being a complete beginner with content creation to having your tool belt fully equipped.

You can click on a section below 👇 to get started or simply scroll down this page.

Section 1: The “Talking Head” format

Brands and businesses that use the Talking Head format are connecting with their audience faster than anyone else. A Talking Head video simply means to talk directly into the camera and deliver Free Value in the form of tips, tricks, life hacks, how-to’s, and motivational speeches.

This type of content is highly personal to the viewers and is the fastest way to establish trust with your prospective buyers/clients.

There are three reasons these types of videos establish trust quickly with people:

You show them that you know what you’re talking about. Your content shows your prospects that you are, in fact, competent in your niche, if not, an expert.

You speak directly to them, their pain points, and their problems. At some point, the viewer with say to themselves, “Wow…it’s like they know me and exactly what I’m going through.” That is the golden ticket to building an audience that trusts you online.

Repetition. Nothing builds authority faster in marketing/advertising than repetition in the viewer's mind. This is why big brands who’ve been around for decades still continue to run fresh ads and content. Smaller brands are starting to figure this out. Think: Nike, Apple, Amazon, Alex Hormozi, Grant Cardone, Andrew Tate, and Joe Rogan. All of these brands are pushing content out consistently. The more you consistently have content in front of people’s eyes, the more you start to become an authority in your space/niche. This is how people without a Uni degree become authorities in the health space, financial space, and relationship space.

Now for a quick reference, Talking Head videos look like this:

Andddddd here's a list of profiles in different niches to give you even more examples. Study their content to get an idea. Clicking on them will open the profile. ⬅️ Fitness ⬅️ Business ⬅️ Podcast ⬅️ Men's Fitness Coach ⬅️ Relationship Coach ⬅️ Real Estate ⬅️ Life Coach ⬅️ Men's Dating ⬅️ Business Mindset Coach ⬅️ Narcissistic Abuse Healing ⬅️ Healing Coach

Section 2: Framing Your Talking Head Video:

It’s important to not overthink this. The best thing you can do is pick a spot where you will consistently shoot your videos for a consistent look. This will also make it easy for you to record content quickly. 

For example, you can pick spots like:

Anywhere you can think of where it’s easy to sit and position a camera every time you have an idea for a video and want to shoot.

People tend to overthink the background. They think it should be professional and flashy. This really isn’t necessary. If we take a look at Alex Hormozi’s videos, they’re all shot from his living room couch. People tune in to watch your content because of the value you bring, the words you say, the free tips, and your personality. NOT for the neon sign in the background or your perfectly lit setup.

Lastly, for short-form content (Insta, TikTok, YouTube Shorts), always shoot your video in a 9:16 Vertical format.

Now, if you have an iPhone…

Be sure to shoot your video in Cinematic mode. This will deliver an awesome video with a blurred background for that professional look.

Cinematic mode works on these models:

iPhone 14 Pro Max

iPhone 14 Pro

iPhone 14

iPhone 14 Plus

iPhone 13 Pro Max

iPhone 13 Pro

iPhone 13

iPhone 13 mini

Here are some examples of ways you can frame your video and the different backgrounds that will work:

Section 3: What’s the deal with the Captions?

If you’ve spent any amount of time on social media, you’ve probably noticed more and more people putting flashy captions in their videos.

There is a reason for this…

And it might surprise you…

The fact is, studies have shown that over 90% of people watch content with the sound OFF.

Yes, the SOUND OFF.

I know…this doesn’t make any sense right?

But let’s think about it for a second.

People who are sitting at a bar scrolling through their feed probably aren’t trying to disturb everyone around them with their Insta feed.

So they scroll silently, OR with the volume turned wayyy down.

This same principle applies to people in the workplace, on the bus, on a plane, on a train, at a party or social gathering, college students sitting through a lecture, you get the idea…there are too many examples to name.

THAT’S WHY so many content creators have captions in their video.

And the design of your captions needs to STOP the viewer from scrolling past your video.

This is where editing plays a huge role when it comes to making eye-catching content.

If you pay attention to your retention chart on any of your videos, there is a constant drop off in viewers after the 3-second mark.

3 seconds, that’s how long a viewer takes before deciding to watch your content or keep scrolling.

Now, just because a ton of people are scrolling with the sound off doesn’t mean your videos should be silent. It just means they need to be edited and optimized to capture attention even if the sound is off.

Section 4: Can I use copyrighted music in my videos??

Short answer: Yes

Real answer: Depends

If you’re posting organic videos on Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok with copyrighted music from popular artists, you’ll be fine.

And the reason you’ll be fine is because there’s no monetization on Instagram or Tiktok the way there is on YouTube.

Now, something to note: If you create a video for an AD on Instagram or Facebook, you’ll probably want to use royalty-free music instead. There’s a good chance your AD won’t get approved since you’re using someone else's music to monetize attention through paid clicks.

When it comes to YouTube, you can occasionally use copyrighted music in your YouTube Shorts (60 seconds or less).

When you upload your video to YouTube on your Desktop, the copyright content detector will let you know.

But you’ll want to avoid using copyrighted music in your long-form content as much as possible. 

Instead, you’ll need royalty-free music.

The reason for that is YouTube videos can be monetized once you’ve hit a certain amount of Subscribers and View Count.

Your YouTube videos could be demonetized if you use music from popular artists.

If you're just getting started, you can find some free music from Pixabay. 

Section 5: What Gear Do I Need?

First things first...

You don’t need a $2000 Camera or $2000 in expensive lenses to achieve this…

You simply need an easy and consistent setup that will make your videos shine right off of your phone’s camera.

First, invest in a tripod or stand for your phone. 

This saves you the trouble of asking someone to film you every time and also saves you from shaky camera movements.

Second, invest in a clip-on Bluetooth mic for your phone. These can be as cheap as $20 on Amazon.

Third, invest in a light ring. Simply adding some solid light to your face can make the quality 10x better and gives a professional studio look for a fraction of the cost.

And that’s it…

Seriously, that’s all you need to get started here.

If you find the urge to buy that $2000 camera and set of lenses, do so only after you’ve established a consistent format for your videos that are generating revenue.

We all know that a professional camera doesn’t make an amateur a professional photographer.

So start with what you have and work up from there.

Pro Tip: Wipe the lens on your phone before recording. You’ll get a cleaner and crisp image every time.

Section 6: What to talk about in your videos?

It’s funny that this seems to be a question on everyone’s minds starting out.

But to put it simply, talk about:

Whatever you choose to talk about…

Just think to yourself, “Will someone get VALUE out of this?”

“Will this make someone’s life better? Their day better?”

Think about the things you didn’t know just a few years ago that you know now.

That’s what you provide to your audience.

Teach them, inspire them, motivate them.

And one day when you have something to sell them, they will say:

“This person has given me so much VALUE for free, let’s check out what they’re offering.”

Section 7: How to do a GREAT CTA

First off, what’s a CTA?

A CTA stands for a “Call to Action”

Before we talk about that, think of this:

Your content is almost always providing tons of Value to the viewer…right?

But occasionally, you’ll want them to take a certain action after watching your video.

An action like “click the link in the bio to”: 


The Call to Action is essentially how you monetize your content and following. You direct their attention from the video to somewhere else OUTSIDE of the social media platform. Usually, you do this so you can offer them a product, service, or information. Or at the very least, capture their name and email as a LEAD for future offers. Email marketing is essential for this.

So, the idea is you need to direct them on what to do, why they should do it, and what they’re getting.

There’s a good CTA and a GREAT CTA.

A good CTA is: “If you’re ready to get started, click the link in the bio to learn more”

A GREAT CTA is: “If you’re tired of being single, then click the link in the bio to learn my seven simple steps to attracting women overnight”

Let’s examine that last one:

"If you’re tired of being single, then click the link in the bio to learn my seven simple steps to attracting women overnight"

This CTA covers:

Why they should do it

What they need to do

What they’re getting

It also pulls the psychological levers of Pain/Desire. This is absolutely essential for effective sales and marketing campaigns. Use this as your framework when crafting CTAs for your video content or emails.

Now, if you’re not familiar with these concepts, there are a couple of things you can do: